Jade is friends with my fiancée and asked me to take some photos of them, some nice shots to make a guest book album.
Jade and Adrian are an adorable couple, you would have to be blind not to see how much they love each other. Makes my job all the more easier :)

5DII + 85L = 1/800, f/2.8, ISO200
I tell you I'm in love with the 85mm f/1.2. The colours and sharpness of this lens is jaw dropping.
We walked through a park and settled ourselves in a quiet little area so that people wouldn't disturb us. I sat them down on the bench and planted the flowers on them. Got them to show me some love by getting them to touch noses... I love the cheeky little smile Jade makes in this shot.
The f/2.8 seperates Jade and Adrian from the background, isolation helps to make a photo pop!

5DII + 85L = 1/1000, f/2.8, ISO200
The sun was setting and the sky was ablaze with a gorgeous orange colour. I decided to use the sun creatively to add a bit of flare to make the image pop, as well as a rim light which would make their hair glow.
I added a bit of an orange tint to warm the photo up a bit, cloned out the dust bunnies and a slight crop to centre them.

5DII + 24-70L = 1/800, f/4.0, ISO400
Here's a bit of advice - after the sun actually sets, the sky is aglow with the most beautiful colours. The magic colour is only had for about 30 minutes after the actual sunset, make the most of it!
I purposely underexposed this, and asked them to walk along the river bank. I noticed that they have a unique way of holding each others hands, and decided I wanted to personalise this photo for them focusing on their hand holding.
The colours and the urban silhouette make this image shine, and makes this one of my favourite shots of the day.

5DII + 24-70L + 580EXII off camera = 1/200, f/3.2, ISO400
Like I said, the small window of lovely colours after sunsets is stunning, and this shot was taken within the last few minutes before it disappeared.
Shooting with off camera flash is quite hit and miss, and it took me a few test shots before I got the settings right.
Firstly, I exposed for the ambient. I wanted to get those nice sky colours just right.
Secondly, I had to expose for Jade and Adrian! So I upped the power on the flash until it was an acceptable setting and then fine tuned the amount of light on the couple by adjusting the aperture.
I do wish I had another flash on the camera right to add a bit of fill to Adrian's face, but unfortunately I wasn't specifically geared for off camera lighting on that day.