Monday, November 29, 2010

Couple Session - Hans and Priya

Priya found me on facebook and asked me if I could cover a couple session for her and her hubby Hans.
They're a newly engaged couple and wanted some nice shots for their guest book. I recently got engaged myself so I was really enthusiastic about this job.

It is now Spring, so I was quite hyped to go out and grab some shots in the great weather, and use a few locations I had scouted over winter.

Priya had noticed a photo I had taken of a pier in Brighton a while ago that I had taken in my spare time.
The couple asked me they particularly wanted photos on a beach in Port Melbourne.
I thought I would meld the two together and create a breathtaking shot for them.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

The first problem I ran into was the time of day, it was 3pm and it cast a harsh shadow as can be seen from the pier.
Unfortunately my Photoshop skills aren't too vast, so I wasn't able to take out the shadows cast by the railings or the couple themselves.

The second problem was how busy the pier was, so I had to isolate the couple somehow.
I ducked down a bit and hid the busy pier behind the couple, it's my job to make the photo all about them no matter the environment.

The sky was rather boring; blue sky, no clouds... I had to overlay a fake sunset into the shot.
It definitely created a drama in this shot that I love.

Finally I just toned the image to suit and viola!

Hans and Priya were a lovely couple to work with and I'm encouraged to keep up my recreational shooting to inspire more shots like this.

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